Playful Progress with Play Therapy!

“I believe all children have

success sitting inside of them

and I want to support them in

tapping into who they are.”

— Morgan

“Everyone can benefit from

therapy no matter their

background or situation.”

— Rebecca

Our play therapy program plays an essential role in helping our students recover from homelessness. Our program emphasizes early intervention, allowing children to process trauma, build resilience, and create secure attachments, all for a brighter future. Our dedicated play therapists, Morgan and Rebecca, work to help our kiddos express their inner world through play, then guiding our students in developing coping mechanisms, augmenting social skills, and resolving emotional conflicts.

Both Rebecca and Morgan have extensive past experiences with children, Morgan as an educator in Atlanta Public Schools, and Rebecca as a camp counselor, teaching assistant, and applied behavior therapist.

For Morgan, her experience at Atlanta Public Schools led her “to recognize how many of our city’s students are grappling with life experiences and mental health crises that influence how they can process and retain what they are learning which impact their academic success and opportunities,” so Morgan became incredibly passionate about implementing social-emotional learning in the classroom and followed that passion to social work. For Rebecca, the path was similiar, recognizing her love for working with children and recognizing social work as a long-term career with kids.

Both Morgan & Rebecca are inspired by moments of growth, big or small, in their clients. They understand the importance of mental health, especially for children facing housing instability, and are committed to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health support. With their dedication, our play therapy program can ensure that every child at the Day Shelter has the opportunity to thrive.


Morgan working with one of our students