Reflecting on a Fun Summer of Learning!

As the curtain falls on our Summer STEAM Academy, we celebrate a season of learning, discovery, and fun. This summer, our teachers, staff, and supporters created an environment where our kiddos’ creativity and curiosity flourished. Hands-on activities let our little ones have fun while learning, fostering a love for discovery that will last a lifetime.

Field Trips

A field trip to “Catch Air” offered physical activity, social interaction, and learning by play! Then, in-house field trips added enriching experiences too! The “Wildlife Wonders” event introduced children to animals they had never seen before, sparking their interest in the natural world. The “Sand Art” activity brought new textures and sensory experiences, enhancing tactile skills and artistic expression. Throughout their adventures, our young learners developed problem-solving, teamwork, and creativity.

Summer Experiments

Our teachers also introduced the kiddos to fun STEAM experiments! First, the kiddos made s’mores using a pizza box and foil, turning the pizza box into an oven and using the foil to melt marshmallows and chocolate between graham crackers. They also created frozen popsicles, allowing the kids to mix and freeze their favorite fruits and juices, exploring the science of freezing and flavor combinations. Both activities provided hands-on learning experiences and lots of fun!

Our friends at Manhattan Associates also lead a fun experiment! Read more here!

The enthusiasm of students and educators made this summer an unforgettable experience, building a strong foundation for future learning and personal growth. All this fun leaves us so excited to start the new school year!